Every time a client drops out, you ask yourself…
What was the reason?
Lack of results?
Am I charging too much?
Here’s the truth…
It’s nothing of that sort.
Clients leave when they don’t see the future!
Our job as coaches is to continually show clients that there’s always another level for them to reach.
They need to see the possibility of scalability.
They need to get value 24/7 to keep them satisfied.
Whether you’re asleep or away, you need consistent engagement so clients can see a future for their coaching journey.
On that note, I want to share two tips to make your job easier.
Tip #1: Theme Your Month
Chances are that you’re covering a specific area each month.
So, to elevate your content, you should consider theming your month.
For each month, stick to a theme built around what’s being learned. And make sure this theme fits a block of your signature system or coaching program.
For example, if you have a six-step super system, each month could be designed around one of those steps.
Tip #2: Structure Your Weeks
You have four weeks each month to coach your clients. But you can’t do the same thing every week, even if you’re sticking to a theme.
Thus, you’ll have to structure your weeks accordingly.
I recommend the following:
- Starting with a teaching call. From there, you can transition to a build-it call the next week.
- After clients have had time to learn and implement, you can do a hot seat week. Have your clients share their results with the rest of the community. This is a great opportunity to reinforce your teachings.
- Finally, you can end it with a nail-it session. Combine everything the clients learned, give feedback, and start planning the next stage of the journey.
Plan your weeks, monthly theme, and schedule everything.
This way, your clients always have something to look forward to…
And you’re creating great evergreen content along the way.
So, are you ready for 24/7 engagement?